

There will be one file for each year the servicer has inputted data.  These files contain all payment data each calendar year and contain the following data:




A.  account nmbr                      Borrower's account number

B.  Transx Nmbr                       The overall transaction number from inception of servicing

C.  When Rcvd                         Month payment received

D.  When Rcvd                         Day payment received

E.  When Rcvd                         Year payment received

F.  Investor.How Paid              How payment was paid, payment reversals, increase/decrease in loan balance or past due fees

                                          via cash/non-cash transaction (Letters in parentheses indicate codes shown on screen)

                                                                                                                                    1=Cash (CA)  2=Check (CK)  3=Money Order(MO)  4=Return Check (RC)   5=Posting Error (PE)  

6=Suspense Transfer  7=Not used 8=Paid Off   9=Prepaid Interest  10=Credit Interest

-1=Visa(VI)  -2=M/C (MC)  -3=Amer.Express (AE)   -4=ACH(AC)   -5=other  -6=Balance Change non-cash (BF) -7=Balance Change - Cash (PC)


G.  Days Between                    Days between payments

H.  Amt Rcvd                            Amount received for each payment

I.    Interest                                Interest amount for each payment

J.  Principal                               Principal amount for each payment

K.  Balance                               Balance of loan after principal payment

L.  Fees Paid                            Fees paid with payment

M.  Outstanding Fees               outstanding fees

N.  Escrow Paid                       Escrow amount paid

O.  Interest Short                      Interest short on payment (simple interest loans only)

P.  Maintenance Fee                Amount that went to the Maintenance Account

Q.  Service Fee Paid                 Amount of fees paid (soon to be added)

R.  Who Gets Fee                     Who gets the late fee      0=Servicer        1=Lender